Cleanout Accessories
Putzmeister provides cleanout accessories designed to provide safe, effective cleaning of your system at the end of the pour. Sponge balls, go-devils, catchers, and cleanout caps are also available. It’s important to pay special attention to all safety instructions regarding cleanout procedures. Larger cleanout accessories are also available.
1″ (25 mm) Medium Sponge Ball | 239004 | US$0.90 |
1-1/2″ (38 mm) Cleanout Assembly | AST23906 | US$81.92 |
1-3/4″ (45 mm) Medium Sponge Ball | 65044001 | US$1.68 |
2″ (51 mm) Medium Sponge Ball | 212005 | US$1.47 |
2″ (51 mm) Cleanout Assembly | AST23792 | US$70.74 |
2-1/2″ (64 mm) Soft Sponge Ball | AST23734 | US$3.63 |
2-1/2″ (64 mm) Hard Sponge Ball | 246000 | US$2.19 |
3″ (76 mm) Soft Sponge Ball | 422531 | US$2.03 |
3″ (76 mm) Cleanout Assembly | AST23794 | US$83.84 |
4″ (102 mm) Medium Sponge Ball | 16091003 | US$3.07 |
4″ (102 mm) Cleanout Assembly | AST23922 | US$93.01 |
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